Frequently Asked Questions
- General Questions
- Eligibility & Intent Form
- Which students are eligible to take part in Room Selection?
- Can I take part in the Lottery or be pulled into a group if I am not eligible for Room Selection?
- Am I eligible to participate in Room Selection if I live at International House, the Bayit, or ADP?
- May I still live in Barnard campus housing if I'm part of a 4+1 or 3+2 dual-degree program at Columbia?
- Can students lose their Guaranteed Housing status?
- What if I forget to register or submit the Intent Form for Room Selection?
- What do I do if I try to submit the Intent Form for Room Selection and I get an error message? (or it doesn't give me the option of registering?)
- Room Availability / What Can I Pick?
- Which rooms/suites will be available to pick in the Lottery?
- Which buildings do rising-Sophomores (or Juniors or Seniors) get to pick into? Will I be able to pick a Single?
- Where can I find information about each residence hall?
- Why are some rooms / suites not available to pick during the Housing Lottery?
- Which bathrooms are designated Gender-Inclusive or Women-Only in Hewitt, Sulz Tower, and Elliott?
- Can I stay in my same room for next year?
- Housing Lottery
- Am I guaranteed to be able to pick a suite or room at the Housing Lottery? Am I guaranteed to be able to pick a Single?
- Can I trade Lottery Numbers with another student? If a friend is not planning to pick at the Lottery, can I use their number instead?
- Do groups of 2- or 3- pick before Individuals during the 123 Lottery?
- Can I pick into half of a Double? (or 2 people pick a Triple?)
- If the student I picked into a Double or Triple with cancels housing, what happens to me?
- I'm graduating in February or planning on studying abroad for the Spring semester. If I sign the Housing Agreement for the entire academic year, will I have to pay a cancellation fee for the Spring?
- What If I'm not available to pick at my Selection Time? (Designate a Proxy)
- What do I do if I miss (or do not pick during) my Selection Time?
- If I do not pick during the 4, 5, or 6 Lottery, do I keep the same Lottery Number for a later Lottery stage?
- After I choose a room/suite, can I change my selection later? (or sign up for the Guaranteed List instead?)
- Groups
- Do I have to be in a group?
- How can I find other students to be in a group with? Can I be randomly assigned to a group?
- How is the Class Year standing (Point Value) determined for a Group?
- What if our Group Leader isn't able to pick for our Selection Time?
- If I'm in a group of 5 students, can we pick a 6-person suite and get assigned a 6th person from the wait list?
- If I'm in a group of students, can we pick an entire suite (or room) and hold a space for a student who is returning from a Leave of Absence or who currently lives off-campus?
- If I sign up for a suite with a group, which room within the suite am I going to live in?
- If someone in my group cancels their housing, can I have their room?
- How are mixed Point Value Groups prioritized for Lottery Numbers?
- If I want to pick as an individual, do I have to form a 1-person group?
- Study Abroad
- I may study abroad for the Fall -- should I participate in Room Selection and/or pick a room during the Lottery?
- If I studying abroad for the Fall, can I pick into a suite with a group of friends and then get that room when I return in the Spring?
- What do I do if I plan to study abroad in the Spring?
- Housing Exchange (BC@CU and CU@BC)
- What is "the Cap?" How many Barnard students can pick at Columbia (and vice-versa)?
- If I live at Columbia next year, do I lose my ability to go through Barnard Room Selection the year after?
- If I pull one or more CU students into a Barnard group, is it guaranteed that we'll be able to select together?
- Are Columbia students' Point Values counted in the Group Average?
- Room Changes
- Guaranteed List
General Questions
How much will rooms cost for next academic year?
Room rates (and meal plan prices) will be posted at once once finalized by the College.
When is the deadline to cancel housing without a cancellation fee?
The deadline to cancel your room (or from the Guaranteed List) without incurring a cancellation fee is Thursday, May 1, 2025
- Housing Cancellation Form
- Cancellation Fee Schedule (will be posted by the end of Spring Break)
Eligibility & Intent Form
Which students are eligible to take part in Room Selection?
For the guidelines as to which students are eligible (or not eligible) to participate in the Room Selection process, please visit
Can I take part in the Lottery or be pulled into a group if I am not eligible for Room Selection?
No. Only students who are eligible may participate in the Room Selection / Housing Lottery process.
Groups that form for the Lottery are not able to "pull-in" students who are not eligible (or who did not submit the Intent Form for Room Selection). It is not possible for groups to pick housing and "save" a space for someone who was not eligible or who did not register.
Students who are not eligible for Room Selection may apply for housing for the upcoming academic year on the Housing Portal when the application opens in early April. Note: while the College always hopes to be able to provide housing to as many applicants as possible, assignment unfortunately cannot be guaranteed for students who are not eligible for Room Selection.
Am I eligible to participate in Room Selection if I live at International House, the Bayit, or ADP?
ADP, International House, and the Bayit are all classified as non-residential off-campus housing. Students who live in those buildings are not eligible for Room Selection.
May I still live in Barnard campus housing if I'm part of a 4+1 or 3+2 dual-degree program at Columbia?
Students may live in Barnard housing for the first part of the program while they're still paying tuition to Barnard.
Once the students starts the Columbia portion of a dual-degree program, they would need to apply for housing through Columbia.
- For students in a 4+1 program, the Columbia portion starts in year 5.
- For students in a 3+2 program, the Columbia portion starts in year 4.
Can students lose their Guaranteed Housing status?
Yes, it is possible for you to lose your Guaranteed Housing Status during the Room Selection process for the following reasons:
- Failure to register for Room Selection before the deadline.
- Indicating that you will not return to campus housing for next year on the Room Selection Intent Form.
- Failure to complete the Guaranteed List Form if you did not pick a room during the Housing Lottery.
- Cancelling housing to move off-campus.
Students can also lose the ability to take part in Room Selection and/or the Housing Lottery as a sanction for disciplinary incidents.
What if I forget to register / submit the Intent Form for Room Selection?
If you miss the deadline, please contact immediately.
Students who do not submit the Room Selection Intent Form will lose their guarantee of campus housing and will not be able to participate in Room Selection, the Housing Lottery, the Guaranteed List, etc.
Students who fail to register may submit an application on the Housing Portal to be on the Non-Guaranteed Wait List, which means that they would only receive housing if space becomes available over the summer.
What do I do if I try to submit the Intent Form for Room Selection and I get an error message? (or it doesn't give me the option of registering?)
Please come to the Residential Life & Housing office (110 Sulzberger), call Residential Life & Housing at 212-854-5561, or email immediately.
Please register well in advance of the deadline! If you wait until the last minute, the Residential Life & Housing office may not be available to assist you.
Room Availability / What Can I Pick?
Which rooms/suites will be available to pick in the Lottery?
To see the rooms & suites that will be available in the 4, 5, 6, and 123 Lottery, please check out the Google Sheet linked at You can also see lists of picks from previous years.
Which buildings do rising-Sophomores (or Juniors or Seniors) get to pick into? Will I be able to pick a Single?
Students pick into rooms & suites differently each year. Where students with 400 points (rising-Seniors) pick first determines what's still available for students with 300 (rising-Juniors), etc.
More groups will form for the 4, 5, and 6 Lottery than the number of available suites, so not all groups will be able to select a suite. There are a lot fewer 4- & 5-person suites available than 6-person suites, so in some years all of those suites may be picked before the end of 300 point (rising-Junior) Selection Times.
A general rule of thumb is that A) suites made up of all Singles tend to get picked before suites made up of Singles & Doubles and B) suites with Singles & Doubles tend to get picked before suites with all Doubles. However, this varies as some groups may select based on building location instead of room sizes.
Similarly, corridor Singles tend to be picked before corridor Doubles / Triples. In many years, all of the Singles may be picked in the 123 Lottery before end of the Selection Times for students with 300 points (rising-Juniors). That means that Single may not be available at all for any students with 200 points (rising-Sophomores). All students taking part in the 123 Lottery are encouraged to form 2-person groups so they can pick into Doubles if there are no Singles available.
Usually all rooms will be picked before the students with the last Lottery Numbers in the 123 Lottery. Students who are not able to pick a room will submit the Guaranteed List Form to be placed in a room over the summer.
Where can I find information about each residence hall?
For photos, videos, 360 views, and floorplans for each of the residence halls, please visit Housing Options.
Why are some rooms / suites not available to pick during the Housing Lottery?
Some room / suites may not be available in the Lottery for the following reasons:
- Rooms may be assigned to Resident Assistants (RAs) and/or their RA Pull-Ins.
- Rooms may be assigned to students who received Pre-Lottery Disability Housing Accommodations and/or their CARDS Pull-in.
- Rooms with accessibility features (strobe alarms, semi-private bathroom, etc.) may be reserved for later CARDS accommodations.
- A few suites in Plimpton are reserved to balance the BC/CU Housing Exchange.
- Most floors in Hewitt are reserved for new First-Year students.
Which bathrooms are designated Gender-Inclusive or Women-Only in Hewitt, Sulz Tower, and Elliott?
Sulz Tower
- Gender-Inclusive: 10, 12, 14, & 16th floors
- Women-Only: 9, 11, 13, & 15th floors
- Gender-Inclusive: the bathroom closest to rooms numbered 1-10
- Women-Only: the bathroom closest to rooms numbered 12-21
- Gender-Inclusive: 2, 4, 6, and 8th floors
- Women-Only: 3, 5, & 7th floors
In all buildings, students are welcome to use the bathrooms that are most consistent with their gender identity. For more information, please visit
Can I stay in my same room for next year?
If your current room is available to pick in the Lottery when your Selection Time starts, you may select it. However, there is no way to automatically claim the same room for next year.
Note: If you pick the same room for next year, you still need to move out completely in May. Belongings cannot be left on campus over the summer. For summer storage options, please visit
Note: First Years are not able to return to the same room next year on FY floors in Brooks, Reid, Sulzberger, and Hewitt.
Housing Lottery
Am I guaranteed to be able to pick a suite or room at the Housing Lottery? Am I guaranteed to be able to pick a Single?
Usually more groups form for the 4, 5, and 6 Lottery than the number of available suites. That means that not every group may be able to pick a suite. Groups who are not able to pick a suite can reconfigure to take part in a later Lottery (including the 123 Lottery).
Additionally, there usually are more students taking part in the 123 Lottery than the number of available spaces. This is because:
- Many students will pick rooms at the Lottery and then cancel housing to move off-campus, study abroad, take a leave of absence, etc.
- Some rooms will not be available in the Lottery.
This means that all the spaces available to pick during the Lottery will be selected before every student get a chance to pick. The students with the last Lottery Numbers who do not get to pick a room will submit the Guaranteed List Form to be placed in a room over the summer.
There are also more students who want to live in Singles than the number of Singles available. Rising-Sophomores who take part in the 123 Lottery are encouraged to form a 2-person group, so they can pick a Double together if no Singles are available.
Can I trade Lottery Numbers with another student? If a friend is not planning to pick at the Lottery, can I use their number instead?
Lottery numbers & Selection Times are non-transferable and cannot be traded between students or groups.
Do groups of 2- or 3- pick before Individuals during the 123 Lottery?
No, students in a 2- or 3-person group receive one shared Lottery Number & Selection Time, which is generated in random order by Point Value (just like for Individuals).
Can I pick into half of a Double? (or 2 people pick a Triple?)
Students must completely fill any room they wish to pick during the Housing Lottery. Individuals cannot pick into Doubles or Triples by themselves in the 123 Lottery.
This is why students are encouraged to form a 2- or 3-person group for the 123 Lottery. Students in a 2- or 3-person could pick Singles if available, but only students in a group would be able to pick into a Double or Triple if there are no Singles available.
If the student I picked into a Double or Triple with cancels housing, what happens to me?
You will receive a new roommate. Spaces that open up over the summer will be assigned to students on the Guaranteed List and/or Non-Guaranteed Wait List (ex. incoming Transfers, students returning after a leave of absence, etc).
Spaces that open up during the academic year will likely be filled by room changes or assignments to new Spring students.
While the College always hopes to alert students to a new assigned roommate with as much advance notice as possible, students with vacancies in their room must keep the space open and ready for assignment to another student at all times.
I'm graduating in February or planning on studying abroad for the Spring semester. If sign the Housing Agreement for the entire academic year, will I have to pay a cancellation fee for the Spring?
Students who graduate mid-year or plan to study abroad for the Spring must submit a Housing Cancellation Form by December 1, in order to avoid a cancellation fee.
Students who cancel their Spring housing for other reasons (to move off campus, take a leave of absence, etc.) will be charged cancellation fees.
What If I'm not available to pick at my Selection Time? (Designate a Proxy)
Students should not give their passwords to other students to log in & pick for them on the Portal.
If you are in a group, only 1 student needs to log in during your Selection Time to pick for the group. However, if the other student(s) in your group want to submit the Guaranteed List Form instead of picking a room, they would not be able to pick a room just for you on the Portal -- you would need to log into the Portal to pick for yourself (or have a proxy pick for you).
If you have an individual lottery number (not in a group) and you are not available to pick when your selection time starts, you can designate a Proxy to pick for you. Note: you must submit the Proxy form at least 24 hours in advance of your Selection Time (more information).
What do I do if I miss (or do not pick during) my Selection Time?
Groups or individuals who miss their Selection Time should log into the Housing Portal as soon as possible to see if rooms / suites are still available to select.
Groups who do not pick during the 4, 5, or 6 Lottery may either A) form a larger Group (ex. add a student to turn a 4-person into a 5-person Group, etc.) to get another Lottery Number & Selection Time for a later Lottery stage, or B) participate in the 123 Lottery.
Individuals or 2- or 3-person Groups who do not pick during the 123 Lottery will need to submit the Guaranteed List Form in order to be assigned to a room over the summer.
If I do not pick during the 4, 5, or 6 Lottery, do I keep the same Lottery Number for a later Lottery stage?
No. New Lottery Numbers & Selection Times are generated for each stage of the Housing Lottery.
For example, if you do not pick during the 4 Lottery and then add a 5th Group member to take part in the 5 Lottery, you will be generated a new Lottery Number & Selection Time for the 5 Lottery.
After I choose a room/suite, can I change my selection later? (or sign up for the Guaranteed List instead?)
No, all selections are binding and final. Once you pick a room or suite, you may not change your selection during the Lottery.
- Rising-Seniors only may request a Post-Lottery Room change.
- Rising-Seniors, Juniors, & Sophomores may apply for the Studio Single Wait List or look for a 1-for-1 Post-Lottery Room Swap.
Students who select a room/suite can not cancel that assignment to the be on the Guaranteed List instead.
Do I have to be in a group?
No. Students may participate in the 123 Lottery as an individual.
Please note that individuals are only able to pick if Single rooms are available when their Selection Time starts. If there are no Singles available, they will either need to:
- make a late group to pick a Double or Triple (123 Regroup)
- or, submit the Guaranteed List Form to be assigned to a room over the summer (which may be a Double or Triple instead of a Single, based on availability).
Students (especially rising-Sophomores) are encouraged to form groups to provide more opportunities for selecting. During the 123 Lottery, a 2-person group can pick a Double if no Singles are available but individuals cannot pick into Doubles by themselves.
How can I find other students to be in a group with? Can I be randomly assigned to a group?
Students looking for other student to form a group are encourage to:
- Talk with other students in your classes.
- Post on the Facebook group for your Class Year or students clubs/activities.
Students who are considering forming a group for Room Selection should discuss whether they would be compatible roommates or suitemates.
Unfortunately we are not able to randomly assign students to groups for the Lottery. Students who do not form a group would participate in the 123 Lottery as an individual. If they are not able to pick a room during the Lottery (or do not wish to pick from what is available at their Selection Time), they would submit the Guaranteed List Form to be assigned to a room over the summer.
How is the Class Year standing determined for a Group?
Class year standing for a group is determined by averaging the member's individual Point Values (More Information).
What if our Group Leader isn't able to pick for our Selection Time?
Each group will have a Group Leader designated on the Housing Portal. For the 4, 5, and 6 Lottery, only the Group Leader is able to log in and pick rooms when the group's shared Selection Time starts.
If your Group Leader is not free for the group's shared Selection Time, they should pass leadership to another group member on the Housing Portal. This should be done BEFORE the Selection Time starts so your group doesn't miss out on being able to log in and select.
If I'm in a group of 5 students, can we pick a 6-person suite and get assigned a 6th person from the wait list?
No. During the 4, 5, & 6 Lotteries, groups can only pick suites that match the size of their group (ex. a 5-person Group may only pick a 5-person Suite).
A limited number of 2-, 3-, 7- and 9-person suites are part of the 123 Lottery and may be picked into by individuals and 2- & 3-person groups. There also may be spaces leftover to pick in RA suites and suites where CARDS Pre-Lottery housing accommodations were made.If I'm in a group of students, can we pick an entire suite (or room) and hold a space for a student who is returning from a Leave of Absence or who currently lives off-campus?
No. Groups can only select suites (or rooms) that have the same number of spaces as group members.
Students who are currently not enrolled or who live off-campus may not be part of Groups for the Housing Lottery. If they apply for the non-Guaranteed Wait List, they will be assigned over the summer (space permitting).
For example, a group of 5 students would only be able to pick a 5-person suite. They cannot pick a 6-person suite and hold an open space for another student.
If I sign up for a suite with a group, which room within the suite am I going to live in?
The Group Leader is responsible for assigning rooms within the suite to each group member during the group's Selection Time.
Please make sure that your group discusses in advance who wants to live together in Doubles, the size or arrangements of rooms, etc; because you will not have a lot of time to finalize those decisions during your Selection Time.
After the Group Leader assigns the rooms during the Lottery, those assignments cannot be changed until the Post-Lottery 1-for-1 Room Swap Request process.
If someone in my group cancels their housing, can I have their room?
Students may submit requests for 1-for-1 room swaps (see Post-Lottery 1-for-1 Room Swaps for the request deadline).
If someone in your group is planning to cancel housing and you interested in swapping for their room, you must both complete the 1-for-1 Post-Lottery room swap request BEFORE they cancel their housing. Students cannot swap a room with another student after they have cancelled housing.
How are mixed Point Value Groups prioritized for Lottery Numbers?
For groups who members have different individual Point Values, a Group Average will be calculated to determine priority for Lottery Numbers & Time Slots. More Information.
If I want to pick as an individual, do I have to form a 1-person group?
No. If you wish to pick as an individual during the 123 Lottery, you do not have to form a 1-person group.
Please note that students are encouraged to form 2- or 3-person groups for the 123 Lottery. Groups can pick Singles if available; but individuals would not be able to pick into a Double or Triple by themselves.
Study Abroad
Housing Exchange (BC@CU and CU@BC)
What is "the Cap?" How many Barnard students can pick at Columbia (and vice-versa)?
Barnard students may live at Columbia (and vice-versa) through the Barnard / Columbia Housing Exchange. The schools exchange an equal number of beds to balance the exchange.
This means that if more Barnard students register for the Columbia Lottery than CU students register for the Barnard Lottery, the number of Barnard students allowed to pick with groups at Columbia will be "capped."
For example, if 15 Barnard students register for the Columbia Lottery and only 8 Columbia students register for the Barnard Lottery, the maximum number of Barnard students who will be allowed to pick with groups at Columbia ("the cap") will be 8. This number varies from year to year and cannot be predicted prior to the end of Room Selection Registration.
If I live at Columbia next year, do I lose my ability to go through Barnard Room Selection the year after?
Barnard students who live at Columbia as part of the BC/CU Housing Exchange will be eligible to go through the Room Selection process again for the following year. However, students who cancel housing to move off-campus or take a leave of absence would cease to have a guarantee of housing and will not be eligible to participate in Room Selection.
If I pull one or more CU students into a Barnard group, is it guaranteed that we'll be able to select together?
No. Usually more groups form for the 4, 5, and 6 Lotteries than the number of suites available to pick. We are not able to guarantee that suites will be still be available to pick when the Selection Times start for groups with CU members.
Note: Columbia students may only participate in the 4, 5, and 6 Lotteries and may not take part in the 123 Lottery.
Are Columbia students' Point Values counted in the Group Average?
Yes. For more information, please visit
Room Changes
After I choose a room/suite, can I change my selection later?
All selections are binding and final. Once you pick a room or suite, you may not change your selection during the Lottery. Additionally, once you choose a room or suite, you may not cancel that room to be on the Guaranteed List instead.
Students will have opportunities to request room changes or swaps over the summer.
- Rising-Seniors only may request a Post-Lottery Fall room change.
- Rising-Seniors, Juniors, & Sophomores may apply for the Studio Single Wait List or a 1-for-1 Post-Lottery Room Swap.
Guaranteed List
What if I'm not able to pick a room during the Housing Lottery?
If you aren't able to to pick a room during the Lottery (there aren't any rooms left or you don't want to select from what is available), you will need to submit the Guaranteed List Form to be assigned to a room over the summer.
For the answers to additional questions (including the deadline to submit the form), check out
- Why do some students not get to pick a room during the Housing Lottery?
- Where will I be assigned? Will I get a Single? How do you prioritize the assignments?
- When are assignments made / sent to students? Why do you wait so long to send out the assignments?
- Can I request to live in a multiple with someone else?
- What if I don't like the room assigned to me?
Can I sign up for the Guaranteed List if I don't want to take part in the Lottery?
Yes! When you submit the Intent Form for Room Selection, choose the category of "Guaranteed List." Once you finish registering and signing the Housing Agreement for next year, you'll be able to submit the Guaranteed List Form and provide ranked building and room preferences for next year.